Get the best quality Soundproofing Acoustic Panels and Ceiling Tiles at the most affordable prices with Furnitech

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We specialize in the supply and installation of Suspended Grid Ceiling and Acoustic Wall Panels

Our Products: A Wide Range Of Acoustic Panels, Boards, and Ceilings

Explore our outstanding selection of products designed to enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of your space. Our offerings include an extensive variety of suspended ceiling systems, available in both acoustic and non-acoustic versions, to suit your specific needs. Among our standout products are our acoustic panels and boards, meticulously crafted to provide superior soundproofing and sound absorption. These acoustic  panels are ideal for optimising acoustics by reducing noise levels and improving sound clarity, making them perfect for both commercial and residential settings.

Acoustic Boards

Acoustic Boards

Discover our premium range of acoustic boards, expertly designed to enhance the acoustic quality of any space. Our acoustic boards are essential for anyone looking to improve sound absorption and reduce noise interference. They are crafted using advanced materials that effectively absorb sound waves, making them ideal for settings that require precise sound management, such as recording studios, home cinemas, and open-plan offices.

Acoustic Ceilings Tiles

Acoustic Ceilings Tiles

Explore our exclusive collection of acoustic ceiling tiles, specifically designed to elevate the acoustic performance of your spaces. These ceiling tiles are engineered to absorb sound effectively, making them an excellent choice for environments where sound clarity and noise reduction are paramount. Ideal for use in offices, schools, and entertainment venues, our acoustic tiles help to minimize echoes and control background noise, creating a more focused and pleasant auditory experience.

Acoustic Panels

Acoustic Panels

Discover our sophisticated range of acoustic panels, designed to significantly improve the acoustics within any environment. These acoustic panels are expertly crafted to absorb and manage sound, making them perfect for any space that requires acoustic refinement, such as auditoriums, offices, or residential living areas. Our acoustic panels help reduce unwanted noise and echoes, enhancing overall sound quality and clarity.

Ceiling Tiles

Ceiling Tiles

Explore our extensive collection of ceiling tiles, designed to meet the diverse aesthetic and functional needs of any space. These tiles are available in a variety of materials, textures, and colors, allowing them to seamlessly blend into existing decor or stand out as a focal point in your design scheme. Our ceiling tiles are not only stylish but also offer practical benefits such as improved insulation, ease of installation, and maintenance.

Galvanized T-Grids

Galvanized T-Grids

Discover our robust range of galvanised T-grids, engineered for durability and performance. These T-grids are crafted from high-quality galvanised steel, ensuring they resist corrosion and provide a sturdy framework for ceiling tiles in any setting. Ideal for commercial and industrial environments, our T-grids offer a reliable and efficient solution for installing drop ceilings that require long-lasting support.

Two Decades of Excellence:
Highlighting Our Signature Projects with Acoustic Innovations

Over the past twenty years, we’ve had the privilege of working on some truly remarkable projects, employing a variety of acoustic panels, boards, and ceiling tiles. Many of these endeavors have been noteworthy, showcasing our commitment to excellence and innovative acoustic solutions. We are excited to share insights and highlights from these exceptional projects, each of which has helped shape our expertise and reputation in the industry, while demonstrating the versatility and effectiveness of our acoustic products.

Innovative Spaces: Exploring the Versatile Uses of Ceiling Tiles and Acoustic Panels

From commercial spaces like offices and conference rooms to personal areas such as home theatres and studios, our blog explores how these versatile solutions enhance aesthetics and functionality. Discover case studies, expert tips, and insights on selecting and installing the right products to optimize sound quality and elevate any setting. Join us as we examine our top-quality acoustic products’ diverse applications and benefits.